Film Exhibition and Distribution

Film Exhibition and Distribution
In the changing world of distribution and the challenging UK market, The Next Day offers services designed to secure exhibition and festival screenings and in creating targeted release strategies. With traditional distribution and release models often unsuitable for foreign language films in the UK, The Next Day connects directly with cinemas, venues and partner organisations across the country to arrange screenings, as well as working on event planning and management, guest services, interpretation, press junkets and more, ensuring maximum efficiency and exposure.
Having worked with a network of partners across the UK, including commercial and arthouse cinemas, academic venues and organisations such as the British Film Institute, The Next Day has been running Focus Hong Kong since 2019, and Chinese Visual Festival since 2011, a key cultural event screening Chinese language films and which has brought many acclaimed filmmakers to the UK, including Jia Zhangke, Stanley Kwan, Yi Chih-yen and Pema Tseden and others.